

Our Team

Cantina Fregnan was born from Roberto and Maria Grazia’s love for Casentino, a wonderful valley of Arezzo. Other professionals have joined the team to finally give life to the wine Il Patriota – The Metodo Classico in Casentino

Photo of Maria Grazia Sarocchi

Maria Grazia Sarocchi


An energetic woman who perfectly balances Roberto’s exuberance

Photo of Roberto Fregnan

Roberto Fregnan


The real deus ex machina behind “Il Patriota” wine

Photo of Marco Pierucci

Marco Pierucci


Professional known for his skills and for the minimally invasive approach

Photo of Marco Nasca

Marco Nasca


Marco and Roberto found each other and got a long right away. Marco has the difficult task of bottling the “Vigna del Patriota”